The Watermelon Project

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101% of $50,000 goal

Support Palestinians in Gaza

Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza need your help. They are currently without food, water, hygiene products, internet and other essentials needed. They are unable to reach their families, friends, and loved ones to make sure they’re okay amid the bombings. Not only are they dying from the attacks, but also due to dehydration, starvation, and unsanitary conditions.

YAP Media, a Palestinian American-owned media agency, is raising money in support of Connecting Humanity to provide eSIM cards for the people in Gaza.

eSIM cards will allow the Palestinians in Gaza to connect to neighboring cell phone towers, giving them life-saving access to the internet.

We've already sent $15,000 worth of menstruation products to the women of Gaza thanks to YOU! Help save Palestinian lives by donating money for eSIM cards!

Organized by The Watermelon Project